пятница, 28 августа 2020 г.

Picking Up Stitches for a Button Band. Part 4

So, there are two sets of stitches running parallel to one another: one set on the RS needle, and one on the WS needle with working yarn at the top on RS. We will work 2 rounds of st st on these stitches. Luсkily, my 3.5 mm needle is about 100 cm long and the edge is rather short, so it's possible to use magic loop.

Picking Up Stitches for a Button Band. Part 3

Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 1, Step 2 (2 sts on RS and 1 st on WS):

Picking Up Stitches for a Button Band. Part 2

Mark every 9th row with a pin somewhere near the edge. Repeate steps 1-3 27 times, work only steps 1 and 2 for the 28th time.

Note: Stockinette selvedges (knit the first and last stitch of every row on the right side and purl them on the wrong side) are used when knitting the swatch.

Step 1: Insert the crochet hook beneath both legs of the 1st row's selvedge, loop the working yarn over the hook and pull the hook back to RS.

Note: When repeating Step 1, pick up sts in accordance with the algorithm described in the previous post.

суббота, 22 августа 2020 г.

воскресенье, 4 августа 2019 г.

Italian Bind Off in the Round

pdf file (English)

pdf file (Russian)

Project on Ravelry

Italian Bind Off is an especially professionally-looking way of finishing your knitting. Also, it looks identical to Italian Cast On.

Set Up: Work in 1 x 1 ribbing until you reach the desired length. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail at least 3 times the circumference of the edge. Thread it onto a tapestry needle. Make sure the first stitch on your left knitting needle is a knit. Pull the yarn relatively tight after every step.

Step 1: Allow the first knit stitch (1) to come off the left needle. With the yarn behind the knit stitch (1), insert the tapestry needle into the purl stitch (2) from front to back (knitwise). Pull the yarn through. Leave the stitch on the needle for now.